Friday, October 17, 2014

Point Grey cameras suck.

Spent way too many hours fighting with two different Flea3 cameras from Point Grey lately.  All the software is hidden behind a login page, and they'll spam you if you sign up.  Lots of different obscure and unhelpful error messages, and one of the cameras bricked when I tried a firmware upgrade.

It's not too much to ask for a machine vision camera that:
 - Works with linux
 - Has Open Source software that I can "apt-get install"

Suggestions for alternatives welcome.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

IOIO otg + Ubuntu quickstart

I picked up a IOIO board from SparkFun.  I want to control its PWM channels from my Ubuntu workstation (no android involved).  Fortunately, I work near Ytai, so I was able to pick his brain when I got stuck!

This was a reasonable place to start, and helped me get my udev rule set up so that I saw /dev/IOIO0 when I plugged in the board:

It also reminded me to set the switch on "A" instead of "H".

Next I downloaded from here:

I unzipped it, and tried to run HelloIOIOSwing.jar:
$ java -jar HelloIOIOSwing.jar -Dioio.SerialPorts=/dev/IOIO0
[D/IOIOConnectionRegistry] Successfully added bootstrap class: ioio.lib.pc.SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap
[W/SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap] ioio.SerialPorts not defined.
Will attempt to enumerate all possible ports (slow) and connect to a IOIO over each one.
To fix, add the -Dioio.SerialPorts=xyz argument to the java command line, where xyz is a colon-separated list of port identifiers, e.g. COM1:COM2.
[D/SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap] Adding serial port ttyACM0
[D/SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap] Adding serial port ttyS4
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" purejavacomm.PureJavaIllegalStateException: JTermios call returned -1 at class purejavacomm.PureJavaSerialPort line 1107

We hypothesized that it didn't like the -D at the end, so we tried again with different argument order, and that got us a little farther:
$ java -Dioio.SerialPorts=ACM0 -jar HelloIOIOSwing.jar
[D/IOIOConnectionRegistry] Successfully added bootstrap class: ioio.lib.pc.SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap
[D/SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap] Adding serial port ACM0
[D/IOIOImpl] Waiting for IOIO connection
[V/IOIOImpl] Waiting for underlying connection

Ytai had me install screen and run $ screen /dev/IOIO0, and we verified that it got back some printable data from IOIO when it started up, so we knew the board was alive.  Next we checked what firmware revision was on the board using ioiodude (also from the downloads page above).

We also downloaded the latest version of the firmware, App-IOIO0500.ioioapp, by clicking on the QR code next to the link to the .zip file.

$ unzip
$ ./ioiodude --port=/dev/IOIO0 versions
IOIO Application detected.

Hardware version: SPRK0020
Bootloader version: IOIO0400
Application version: IOIO0330

We rebooted the IOIO otg in bootloader mode so that it could be reflashed.  That involved jumpering the "boot" pin to ground while powering up the board.  Then we could reflash it:

$ ./ioiodude --port=/dev/IOIO0 write App-IOIO0500.ioioapp 
Comparing fingerprints...
Fingerprint mismatch.
Writing image...
Writing fingerprint...

After that, the Swing and Console apps worked:
$ java -Dioio.SerialPorts=/dev/IOIO0 -jar HelloIOIOSwing.jar 
[D/IOIOConnectionRegistry] Successfully added bootstrap class: ioio.lib.pc.SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap
[D/SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap] Adding serial port /dev/IOIO0
[D/IOIOImpl] Waiting for IOIO connection
[V/IOIOImpl] Waiting for underlying connection
[V/IOIOImpl] Waiting for handshake
[I/IncomingState] IOIO Connection established. Hardware ID: SPRK0020 Bootloader ID: IOIO0400 Firmware ID: IOIO0500
[V/IOIOImpl] Querying for required interface ID
[V/IOIOImpl] Required interface ID is supported
[I/IOIOImpl] IOIO connection established

$ java -Dioio.SerialPorts=/dev/IOIO0 -jar HelloIOIOConle.jar 
[D/IOIOConnectionRegistry] Successfully added bootstrap class: ioio.lib.pc.SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap
[D/SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap] Adding serial port /dev/IOIO0
[D/IOIOImpl] Waiting for IOIO connection
[V/IOIOImpl] Waiting for underlying connection
[V/IOIOImpl] Waiting for handshake
[I/IncomingState] IOIO Connection established. Hardware ID: SPRK0020 Bootloader ID: IOIO0400 Firmware ID: IOIO0500
[V/IOIOImpl] Querying for required interface ID
[V/IOIOImpl] Required interface ID is supported
[I/IOIOImpl] IOIO connection established
Unknown input. t=toggle, n=on, f=off, q=quit.

I want to make a simple app to control PWM channels on the IOIO board, and I'm not an eclipse user, so Ytai showed me how to extract and create the appropriate .jar files.  First I unpacked the HelloIOIOSwing app:

$ mkdir unpacked
$ cd unpacked/
$ jar -xvf ../HelloIOIOSwing.jar 

Then he had me delete the ioio/examples directory and make a jar file for the IOIO framework:
$ cd ioio
$  rm -rf examples/
$ cd ..
$ jar -cvf ioio.jar ioio

ioio.jar, jna-4.0.0.jar and purejavacomm-0.0.21.jar should then suffice to let me build my own app.

I put the three jarfiles in a clean directory, then I downloaded from here:

and put it in a subdirectory ioio/examples/hello_console/

I compiled it like so:
$ javac -cp .:ioio.jar:purejavacomm-0.0.21.jar:jna-4.0.0.jar ioio/examples/hello_console/

And it worked!

$ java -Dioio.SerialPorts=/dev/IOIO0 -cp .:ioio.jar:purejavacomm-0.0.21.jar:jna-4.0.0.jar ioio/examples/hello_console/HelloIOIOConsole 
[D/IOIOConnectionRegistry] Successfully added bootstrap class: ioio.lib.pc.SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap
[D/SerialPortIOIOConnectionBootstrap] Adding serial port /dev/IOIO0
[D/IOIOImpl] Waiting for IOIO connection
[V/IOIOImpl] Waiting for underlying connection
[V/IOIOImpl] Waiting for handshake
[I/IncomingState] IOIO Connection established. Hardware ID: SPRK0020 Bootloader ID: IOIO0400 Firmware ID: IOIO0500
[V/IOIOImpl] Querying for required interface ID
[V/IOIOImpl] Required interface ID is supported
[I/IOIOImpl] IOIO connection established